You’ve finally decided that you need a new building in Hawaii. Maybe you need a new office building as your business expands. Or maybe you really have to have that indoor riding arena for your horses. Or your Hawaii company needs to expand with a new manufacturing facility. Maybe you just want a nice outbuilding or barn for storage and other projects.
You’ve heard that steel buildings are a great option for Hawaii Climates. You’ve heard that steel building construction can save you time and money, that metal buildings go up fast, and since they are pre-engineered, there are no surprises. They come in on budget, and are expertly engineered to meet the local building codes so the building permitting process is easy. And you can make all the design decisions yourself. But where to start? It’s not as complicated as you think.
Here are some steel building buying tips that will make you feel like a pro builder.
Do call your local building department and explain that you would like to build a pre engineered steel building on your lot and give them the location. Ask whether the Hawaii local building codes allow for pre-engineered steel buildings. If they do, ask what the applicable metal building codes are. Remember to ask about “setbacks” and other code requirements that may prohibit the use of prefab metal buildings or any building for that matter on a given lot.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that Hawaii building codes are standard. Many times the builder or steel buildings supplier will give code information based on the standards in the metal building industry. However, there are no standard steel building codes that will satisfy building code requirements across the board. A reputable steel building supplier will make sure that the building price they quote incorporates all applicable Hawaii building codes.
Do check the steel buildings supplier with the Hawaii Better Business Bureau and ask for current references.
Don’t be afraid to talk in depth with your steel building supplier. Describe in detail what you want the building for, whether it is for a horse barn, a church, a warehouse, or manufacturing plant. Make sure the supplier understands exactly what the final use of the building will be. The building use will influence many design decisions and ultimately the final price.
Do know exactly what you want before you order. Decide the dimensions of the building you want to build, the width, length, and height of the building. Where do you want the doors and windows? What color do you want for the walls, roof, and trim? Are there other steel building accessories you would like, such as skylights, cupolas, gutters, and downspouts? Do you need insulation for the building? Don’t assume that doors and windows, gutters and downspouts are included. Many times the framed openings for doors and windows are included, but not the doors and windows themselves, which are additional.
Do consider your options for the roof. Do you want a standing seam roof or the screw down roofing system? A screw down roofing panel is the most commonly used panel for metal buildings roofing, and if properly installed will give you many years of weather tightness.
What about roof pitch? Roof pitch describes the steepness of the roof slope. The standard roof pitch on pre-engineered steel buildings is 1:12. This is the most economical in terms of heating and cooling. Because the structural steel frames are strong enough to support the roof, in most cases a steeper pitch is not required, although you may want a steeper pitch for aesthetic reasons, for example, if you are building a church, or you like the more traditional look of a steeper pitch.
What about color? Many steel buildings have roofs of Galvalume steel, which is a silvery color, and may qualify for Energy Credit under the Federal Tax Code. Some metal building companies have a color option for the roof, which allows you to choose from an array of energy efficient siliconized polyester coating steel buildings colors that will save you even more on energy costs.
Do you like the look of stucco, stone, or brick? If you do, make sure the steel buildings supplier can provide pre-cast panels or other materials that will give the look of wood, stone, or brick to harmonize with pre-existing construction, and to satisfy the local codes, which, in some areas of Hawaii do not allow for standard metal siding.
Do make sure you are comparing identical buildings when comparing pricing. If the price from one steel building supplier seems markedly lower, take a closer look – you may find that what they are offering at the lower price is cutting corners and you will get an inferior building in the end.
And don’t be fooled, not all metal buildings are the same.
National Steel Building Construction has been a Hawaii leader in pre-engineered steel buildings for more than 20 years, supplying durable high quality pre-engineered steel buildings for commercial, industrial, agricultural and residential applications 100% made in the USA.
To learn more about National Steel Building Construction call us toll free at 1 844 617-4499
Over the years, steel buildings have become popular not only in the commercial and industrial sector; steel buildings are nowadays being used in the Hawaii community for building houses as well. Steel buildings offer many benefits and advantages. And in this article, we’ll try to discover the amicable things that can be associated with having steel buildings instead of the traditional building construction processes.
- Standard Frame Models
– Gable Symmetrical
A steel building frame model that has up to 200 inches wide clear span
– Gable Unsymmetrical
A steel building frame model that has up to 175 inches wide clear span
– Single Slope
A steel building frame model that is up to 175 inches wide and are mostly used as retail/commercial storefronts as well office/warehouse
– Lean-to
A steel building frame model that is up to 75 inches wide and are mostly used as low-cost add-on to building frame, office space or additional storage
– Multiple Span
A steel building frame model that has unlimited width with interior columns and are mostly used as large manufacturing and warehouse commercial applications
- Available Colors:
– Lightstone
– Pearl Gray
– Polar White
– Slate Gray
– Sand Gold
– Burnished Slate
– Sahara Tan
– Hawaiian Blue
– Rustic Red
– Fern Green
- Advantages of Steel Buildings
Clearly, steel buildings offer many advantages and benefits that it has fast become so popular in the construction industry. The many options it offers the customers are so enticing that most construction builders nowadays prefer them; steel building offers strength and affordability that you cannot get from traditional building construction methods. Steel buildings also offer any options and usage. You can use Hawaii steel buildings as:
– Airplane hangars
– Garden sheds
– Church buildings
– Gymnasiums
– Recreational Buildings
– Retail Steel buildings
– Steel Riding Arenas
– Steel School Buildings
– Self-Storage Buildings
– Steel Strip-Malls
– Steel Sport Arenas
– Steel Warehouse Buildings
- General Benefits:
– Quick and Easy To Erect
There are some steel building dealers that offer steel buildings in the form of pre-engineered structures. These can be sent directly to the site where you intend to have the building erected for instant assembling
– Versatile
Steel buildings are available with adjustable panels thus you can changed the size of each unit as per individual requirements. These will also allow expansion easier than in traditional building construction methods
– Strong
Steel buildings, since they are made of steel, can withstand unfavorable weather conditions like hurricanes, high winds, heavy snow and even earthquakes. They are also resistant to termites, creeping, cracks, splitting and rotting
– Cost-effective
Though sometimes, steel buildings don’t come exactly low in price, it is much cheaper than traditional methods since it has a reduced risk of fire and is easy to maintain
– Environment-Friendly
Using steel as building materials in Hawaii will undoubtedly save those trees in our forests. Aside from these, steel building frames can be recycled so there’s no need to cut more trees for expansion or remodeling
If you’ve been searching for a solution to your Hawaii agricultural, garage, or industrial building needs, you’ve no doubt noticed that steel buildings have become increasingly popular. You many be wondering why so many people are choosing steel buildings over other types of construction materials and if a steel building will work for your application.
In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the applications for and benefits of these metal buildings.
What are people using steel buildings for?
A steel building can be as simple as a carport or as complex as a multi-story, ornately architected office building. These type of buildings are very popular for farming or housing combustible materials such as hay bales. Lots of people place attractive steel building on their Hawaii properties for use as a workshop or garage.
NASA uses steel buildings for functional reasons to store and protect its high tech vehicles and equipment. Multiple General Motors (Hummer) dealerships also use steel roofing system for the construction of a sophisticated and attractive clear span showroom.
Though similar buildings of the past were, well, not that pretty; the steel buildings of today are as and even more architecturally stylish than most wood constructed buildings. You might be surprised at how many buildings are actually constructed of steel. The reason is that there are important benefits to using steel rather than wood in building construction.
Why are others choosing these buildings?
There are quite a few reasons why steel buildings are so popular today:
Cost: Steel buildings are much less expensive to construct than wood buildings. Not only do the materials cost less, but the time required to erect this type of building is much less also. The steel can be precut and pre-punched before the materials ever arrive at your location.
Safety: Unlike a wood structure, steel is not flammable. This makes steel buildings ideal for hay sheds, barns, and storage sheds. When used as barns, steel buildings provide a safe and temperate environment for the animals inside when ventilated properly.
Bug Resistant: While wood structures are vulnerable to termites, steel buildings are impermeable to these damaging insects. Anyone that has had a run-in with these tiny yet destructive critters understands how that it is much easier to prevent termites than to get rid of them.
What to look for in a steel building
With the rising popularity of steel buildings in Hawaii, many manufactures have arrived on the scene to meet consumer demand. However, be cautious before you choose a vendor. Some of the things you’ll want to research before making a choice are:
-Grade of steel: 80 grade or higher is ideal
-Quality of the steel coating: Coating protects the steel material from rust and decay
-Energy Star Rated steel materials: Using Energy Star rated materials can yield a 15% to 20% cooler environment.
-Laser guided pre-punched holes: Laser precision means less room for error in construction
-Whether or not the company has a customer service department
-Warranty: length and conditions
-Number of years in business
-Dedicated customer service department -After all salespeople sell and do not do customer service very well.
There are countless reasons why people choose steel buildings in Hawaii over other kinds of construction today. One idea is to talk to others who use steel buildings for the same applications that you are considering and ask them why they made the choice of steel over other construction materials. If you keep your eye open, you’re likely to begin noticing that there are more steel buildings around than you may have realized!
To learn more about National Steel Building Construction call us toll free at 1 844 617-4499